Jumat, 17 Mei 2019

Aspiration Day 2019 : The Millenials


Hi !!! Welcome to my blog...
Today I want to tell you about one of many event in SMAN 3 Bandung, ASPIRATION DAY 2019 : The Millenials. 

As you can see, this event was held by Perwakilan Kelas 65 SMAN 3 Bandung. In this event everyone can free to express their aspirations for SMAN 3 Bandung. Of course with this event, SMAN 3 Bandung can be better in the future. This event was held on Friday, April 26th 2019. On this event there were a talkshow with two fenomenal speakers, Ridwan Kamil, West Java Governor, and Keri Lestari, UNPAD vice rector and UNPAD faculty of pharmacy lecturer. Beside that, there were Amigdala as the guest star in this event.

Actually, I didn't have time to come to this event because I have a course at that time. (T_T)

I think that's all from me.
Thank You...

Sources :

Turbud ?


Hi guys !!! Now I want to tell you about my Turbud !!!

wait,,,, I didn't participate in Turbud.

So, Turbud or Tur Budaya or Cultural Tour is an annual activitiy in SMAN 3 Bandung for the second-year student only. And this year (or every year) Turbud was held in BALI !!!!

As I say in the beginning, I didn't participate in Turbud. WHY ? Because my sister was getting married on the same day as Turbud. So, I can't joined the Turbud. I didn't regret with didn't follow the Turbud, because I'm very sure that God has a good plan for me altough I can't go to Bali. And like what Miguel-from-Coco said "There's nothing more important than family".

Honestly, I don't know what should I type now... So, maybe I will share briefly about my sister wedding. After Shubuh, my mom, my sister, my aunt and me were going to the reception building to be dressed first, make up and anything else. At 08.00 the groom came to the building. Not long after that akad was held. I was cried at the moment. It  was a bit embarassing, several times I went to the bathroom.

As another wedding, after the akad, followed by the reception. Several times the mc misstated words, and it made me lauging so hard. At the reception, I really love the songs sung at the reception. Time flies, at 14.00 the reception over, my sister and her husband went to Hotel, and my family went back home.

I think, that's all from me. I'm afraid that if it's too long it will be boring and increasingly unclear.
Hope you can take a lesson from my story...
Thank You...

Sources :

Bakdes !!! (amazing experience)


Hi guys ! Now I want to tell you about one of many annual activities in SMAN 3 Bandung, Bakdes.

First, I want to apologize because I just got a chance to write this now. I know it's too late, but hope you enjoy and can take a lessons from my experience.

So, Bakdes or Bakti Desa is an annual activity in SMAN 3 Bandung for the second-year students only. We go to a village for a few days, mingle with the villagers and help their activities. This year, Bakdes was held in Cibeureum village, Bandung on 3rd until 5th of January 2019.

In the beginning, I feel so lazy to join this activitiy, because honestly I am a home-based child. But because this is a school activity that must be followed. I can't do anything else. So I think this activity won't be that bad, I'm very sure this would be very fun. I can imagine, go to a village, fresh, green, cold, chatting with my foster parents, helping their activities, playing with their children, and many more.
But, not. There are many problems in my Bakdes (T_T).

I don't know why. My bakdes group that should have 3 members, suddenly had to be joined by other groups. Hasn't stopped there, my double-group was combined in one house without foster parents in our house. There are some reasons why it happened, such as my foster mom has to accompany her mother at her mother's house, my foster father will always back home late nights, so he doesn't want to distrub us, so he doesn't live in our house, etc. I'm very disappointed at that time. 

But I think I can't just grumble with my condition, I want to have fun there. So, I spent a lot of my time with my other friends outside my house, with them I can interact with the villagers, and hang out to many places there. Here's some of my photos.

Yes, I met many children there. They're very kind and friendly. Even now I still have their contacs.

At that time I was very comfortable with the situation. Until...(in fact my foster mom said that I should not tell about this to anyone). In the third day, maybe at 05.00 morning, my foster mom came to our house, and accidental I was there. She cried (T_T). I don't know why and what should I do. Then she tells me that, my some friends in my double-group, slept in another house, therefore, some villagers were talking about my foster mom, of course she was embrassed, then she told me to immediately call them. Not long after that, the problem ended.

So yeah, that was my experience during Bakdes, I'm feel so happy. Adapted with another atmosphere, new place, new condition. I'm sure this experience will never be forgotten.

I think this post instead become my diary, I'm so sorry.
Without reducing my respect for my friends.

Special Thanks for :

Ibu Ati
Pak Enjang
Teh Citra
Cika and all her friends