Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018

Invitation Letter

Department of Business and Management
Salmon St. A31, Bandung. Phone (020) 1010101. Fax :1019991111

Bandung, 1/1/2020

Kim Kyung-seok, MD, MPH
Center for Psychological Research
Moon Health Institute
Helsinki, 75004

Dear Dr. Kyung-seok,

We are impressed by your academic accomplishments and achievments in Psychology. We are really want to know about your psychological motivation. We hope, that our students can be more enthusiastic in carrying out learning.

We cordially invite you to Milp University as our motivator in our event. Our department are very excited about the possibility of hearing your motivation and your perspective on Psychology.

The event will be held on :
Date : Saturday, 07 March 2020
Time : 09.00-17.00
Place : Department of Business and Management.

Please confirm us about your representatives by send an email to For more details, please contact 08101010101 (Maya). We enthustastically welcome you to Bandung.

With our warmest regrads,


Renai Y. Picasso
Professor and Chairman
Departement of Business and Management, Milp University

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

My Opinion

1st topic: This House should ban-cigarretes from the society

In my opinion, the government must limit the use of cigarettes, and soon, prohibit the use of cigarettes. Because there are many toxical substances, like cromium, tar, and nicotine. There are so many diseases caused by smoking, like COPD, lung cancer, until death. So why there're so many people smoking, even though they're already know how dangerous cigarretes is.

I know cigarettes industry is the biggest foreign exchange earner for Indonesia, but still cigarretes are very dangerous. Smoking not only harm smokers, but people around them take part in inhaling cigarette smoke. Maybe some smokers say that they smoke in the place provided, but the smokes aren't magically dissapear.

According to WHO there are around one billion smokers in the world. And every minutes, ten peoples are died because of smoking. And Indonesia ranks first for the highest number of smokers. The results of the 2016 Survei Indikator Kesehatan Nasional (Sirkesnas) show that the number of male teenager smokers has reached 54.8%. And media recently reported that there was a 2-year-old child who had become an active smoker.

I hope that government can be more assertive in overcoming this problem. The smokers to be more aware of the dangers of these cigarettes. And for parents to supervise their children to avoid the dangers of cigarettes.

2nd topic: This House should supports the death penalty for corruptors

First of all, I want to state that I want corruptors to be have a punish. But, I think death penalty is so savage. I know corruption is wrong and should be punish. Seems that law enforcement is not entirely fair in punishing corruptors. I'm sure that there's a lot of corruptors who are still "free to roam". So I think, what law enforcement should do, is arrest all corruptors, and punish them fairly. But instead of killing him, because corruptors steal money from the society, not steal their lifes.

*I dispensed that day, so I wrote my opinion about the topic.

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