Department of Business and Management
Salmon St. A31, Bandung. Phone (020) 1010101. Fax :1019991111
Bandung, 1/1/2020
Kim Kyung-seok, MD, MPH
Center for Psychological Research
Moon Health Institute
Helsinki, 75004
Dear Dr. Kyung-seok,
We are impressed by your academic accomplishments and achievments in Psychology. We are really want to know about your psychological motivation. We hope, that our students can be more enthusiastic in carrying out learning.
We cordially invite you to Milp University as our motivator in our event. Our department are very excited about the possibility of hearing your motivation and your perspective on Psychology.
The event will be held on :
Date : Saturday, 07 March 2020
Time : 09.00-17.00
Place : Department of Business and Management.
Please confirm us about your representatives by send an email to For more details, please contact 08101010101 (Maya). We enthustastically welcome you to Bandung.
With our warmest regrads,
Renai Y. Picasso
Professor and Chairman
Departement of Business and Management, Milp University
Good :)