Have you ever heard an animal named weasel ?
This time I will make a blog about this cute animal, WEASEL
This time I will make a blog about this cute animal, WEASEL
Weasel or Mustela erminea is a mammal of the genus Mustela. Or I can tell you the Scientific classification below.
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Mammalia
Order : Carnivora
Suborder : Caniformia
Family : Mustelidae
Subfamily : Mustelinae
Genus : Mustela
Species : erminea
Maybe you'll be surprised when you read this very cute mammal is a carnivore. But yea, they are active predators. They have sharp teeth. Weasels are still related to ferrets, polecat, mink, and others. Weasels vary in length from 173 to 217 mm, the females are smaller than the males. They have long and slender bodies. They are active during the day and night. They eat small mammals and large insects.
Weasels feed on small mammals and have from time to time been considered vermin because some species took poultry from farms or rabbits. They can be found all across the world except for Antarctica, Australia, and neighboring islands. They live in the forest, mountains, sand dunes, and grassland. They will give birth to six babies or more on one birth each year.
They live for 4 to 6 years in the wild. In Greek culture, a weasel near one's house is a sign of bad luck, even evil, since the animal (based on its Greek etymology) was thought to be an unhappy bride who was transformed into a weasel and consequently delights in destroying wedding dresses. In neighboring Macedonia, however, weasels are generally seen as an omen of good fortune.
They live for 4 to 6 years in the wild. In Greek culture, a weasel near one's house is a sign of bad luck, even evil, since the animal (based on its Greek etymology) was thought to be an unhappy bride who was transformed into a weasel and consequently delights in destroying wedding dresses. In neighboring Macedonia, however, weasels are generally seen as an omen of good fortune.
image above is the weasel shown in the Ice Age movie, Buck.
Why I choose weasel in this blog?
The answer is because I think they are very funny, and very slick. I can't imagine he running around in my body so slippery.
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Why I choose weasel in this blog?
The answer is because I think they are very funny, and very slick. I can't imagine he running around in my body so slippery.
Questions !!!
1. Animals that are not related to the mink that is ...
a. badger
b. mink
c. polecat
d. beaver
e. ferret
Answer : d. beaver
2. What is the correct sentences according the text ?
a. weasel can be found all across the world, except Asia and Africa
b. female weasel is larger than male weasel
c. weasel has a short and slender body
d. weasel is a herbivorous animal
e. the scientifict name of weasel is Mustela erminea
Answer : e. the scientifict name of weasel is Mustela erminea
3. Where they usually live, except
a. forest
b. mountain
c. desert
d. sand dunes
e. grassland
Answer : c. desert
4. They usually give birth ... babies or more every year.
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
e. six
Answer : e. six
5. What is the wrong sentences according the text ?
a. They are only active during the day
b. They are only active at night
c. They eat large insects and small mammals
d. They live for 4-6 years in the wild
e. a and b are correct.
Answer : e. a and b are correct
Well, that's enough from me. So, see you guys in my next blog!
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